Welcome To The Digital Age. Are You Making Effective Use Of Your Company’s Data?

Forget the bronze or stone age, we are now living in the data age. Most businesses have now ditched their paper based workflows and are using digital tools to run the business. But are you using these tools as effectively as you could be?

Welcome To The Digital Age. Are You Making Effective Use Of Your Company’s Data?

6th June 2023

Forget the bronze or stone age, we are now living in the data age. Most businesses have now ditched their paper based workflows and are using digital tools to run the business. But are you using these tools as effectively as you could be? Your business produces a huge amount of data every day – analysing this data can provide great insights in to your customers behaviour and spending habits.

They say 80% of revenue comes from 20% of customers. But do you know which of your customers are generating most of your revenue?

Our bespoke software solutions put data analytics at the heart of the system. Our graphical interfaces and reporting tools make it as easy as possible to identify key data, allowing you to make more informed decisions for your business.

Case Study - Dumfries Curling Club

Dumfries Curling Club wanted a booking system to help manage the scheduling of sessions on the ice, with a long term goal of tying in to the till system to track exactly who was paying for games, and who wasnt. We provided a custom booking system, as well as a custom till solution designed specifically to interface with this system.

Now users can not only pay online for their game, but can pay in-premises with the swipe of a card. All transactions are then tied back to the game played, as well as the player.

Now not only can they track who has paid and who hasn’t but our data analytics also highlight sheet usage across time. They are now able to accurately predict busy and quiet periods, and offer pricing incentives accordingly to encourage greater use of the ice.

Welcome to the data age. Are you making effective use of the data your business generates?

Get in touch for a free consultation and see how we can help your business become more efficient.